(no subject)

Nov 11, 2005 11:09

Arrrrgh! Hunter like makes me so mad! So like Thursday I had an exam for psychology and like on the first exam we had I got an 86, and on the midterm I made a 94. So my average was exactly a 90 so I really needed to do well on the exam, right? So then Hunter has his economics exam on Thursday too. And he like harrassed me like all week to help him with the stupid thing cause he didn't understand this or that. So finally I try to help him and then while I'm trying to explain consumer surplus to him, he like freaking starts being rude to me and telling me I'm a big baby and that I need to help him and that I don't know anything because he was frustrated that he didn't understand it. I was like wTF!? If I'm spending time to help you freaking study for your exam you can be nice to me and he was being like such a freaking baby. I was so mad. So I just left and got dinner. I had class till 5 and after struggling to explain a simple concept to him till like 6... with him being an absolute butt hole the whole time, I just left and got some dinner and then went to study. So then he calls me like a billion times, my phone of course on silent cause I knew he would call and tell me that I needed to help him and all this crap. So finally, I call him back and help him some that night for like an hour. Waste of my time, of course. Then he leaves and I hafta study until 2 AM, which could have only been 1 AM. Then I get to my exam the next morning, and I think I did pretty well. Then I get done and Hunter is at my dorm, as we had agreed the night before. So I told him we needed to go to a study hall, and he starts saying "I don't get internet in a study room. Its not my fault ur freaking roommate is out partying and sleeps all day and blah blah" being the biggest freaking selfish buttface ever, and of course she's not deaf and he's talking really loud and its like freakin 9 AM. So I was like Hunter, BE FREAKING QUIET. and he was like being so freaking loud and he was pissing me off so much. So we go downstairs to the computer lab and we're gonna study there and there was only 1 computer module open, so I sat down, and he gets all pissed that he has to sit on the floor and that this is so stupid. And I'm like WTF! STFU! AHHHHH! So I just leave cause I was sick and tired of listening to him whine and complain about everything when I was sacrificing my time to help him. so THEN he starts banging on my door and excessively calling me and so I like finally helped him a little. HE EVEN SUGGESTED I SKIP MY NEXT CLASS TO HELP HIM STUDY! IDIOT!! AHHHHHHHHHH I was so mad.

So then today, we are talking and I don't even remember how we got onto the subject but he was talking about how he expected me to help him study for his next exam and I told him that I wasn't going to help him anymore because it made me too frustrated with him and he got all mad and said he didn't need my help anyway and that I barely help him anyway and blah blah. And I was like, well if I'm not that helpful than I'm not going to waste my time. And he was like "3 HOURS OF HELPING ME STUDY ISN'T THAT LONG" I was like WTF?! THATS LIKE 3 HOURS OF SLEEP THAT I DON'T GET CAUSE I HAFTA HELP YOUR SELFISH FREAKING FACE STUDY FOR AN EXAM. And he was like, you're such a baby! You're so mean! Wah wah wah. AHHHHHHH Like WHO DOES THAT?! He is so freaking selfish and he just expects me to go out of my way to help and then he doesn't do anything for me, not even like a Thank You card or a little present just to say, Thanks Bethany for being so helpful! He just acts like a big ass all the time.

Like the end of senior year, I freaking helped him study sooooooo much. He took gov't by correspondence last year, and decided he wanted to take the AP test, and I knew the gov't material really well, so I went through every chapter with him, giving him notes and helping him study and all this crap and then he ended up making a 4. Now thats really good because you can't even get a 2 with the correspondence class. Its just a BS class. I spent like 50+ hours of my spring helping him with that! ALL BECAUSE OF ME. Same with the Calculus AP test, helping him constantly with the hmwk and the problems. Like at least 70+ hours. I HELPED HIM SO MUCH and he never did anything for me to say thank you! He is so inconsiderate and selfish!!!!! I'm like so pissed off right now. I can't imagine how he can be so selfish! And he told me he doesn't think he's selfish, and that if I had told him what I wanted him to get me as a thank you he would have done it and I was like... THE WHOLE POINT IS FOR YOU TO VOLUNTARILY THINK: WOW BETHANY HAS REALLY HELPED ME OUT A LOT! I WANT TO PUT SOME TIME INTO GETTING HER SOMETHING SHE'LL ENJOY! I really don't think thats too much to ask. He put so much stress on me last year I had like 5 emotional breakdowns and my dad kept telling me I needed to stop helping him. BUT I LOVE helping people and teaching people, its my passion, but he's so freaking rude. I don't HAVE to help him at all.

So our argument ended in him telling me that I was ruining our friendship by being so selfish! OMG Like I don't know if seeing this from an outside perspective makes me seem like I'm being unreasonable but I'm so angry right now. And I told him, Hunter, I'm really frustrated with you, call me later and we'll talk then. And he said, HELL NO I'm NOT GONNA CALL U. WTF?! I don't even care. He's my freaking best friend in the whole world and I'm beginning to think that he just uses me because I always help him with EVERYTHING. I'm really naieve and gullible and lately he has just been such a butt face. He can kiss my butt. I am sick and tired of him being so immature.

I'm so ready to be in a relationship with someone who is mature. I don't even care if its not a dating relationship. I just want to meet someone who isn't freaking obsessed with himself, his needs, his everything, that never thinks of anyone else. I want someone who will take the time to do for me what I do for him. I am ALWAYS giving to him, emotionally, with my time, with my efforts, getting him freaking food for free and he is just absolutely selfish. I love helping people and I get excited about my frienships and maybe I have too much freaking energy for my own good, but I want someone who will be like that for me. Who will be excited to see me, to talk to me. Who won't expect/demand me to help him with everything because he is too freaking lazy to do it by himself. I want a REAL boyfriend. Not just some lame excuse for a boyfriend. I'd rather wait 5 years to meet a mature guy who is worth my time than waste 2 years of my life pouring myself into a relationship thats just going to go to hell because I decide I don't want to tutor the freaking jack ass.

I can't even type anymore I'm so angry. Thank God Calculus is my next class. Math always makes me feel better and I'm so excited to be a math teacher. I love teaching and I can't wait to have my own little class of kids to teach. I can't say I'll be sad if Hunter doesn't call me tonight cause I'm going out with friends anyway and I'm sure it'll be alot more fun that I could have with him... listening to him complain about everything on the planet. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Am I being terribly mean?
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