Sep 27, 2004 22:01
I was real stressed for some reason most of the weekend... i guess between tennis, then i relized within the week i have to have a date for the style show.. and i dont have ne boys i want to ask.. in the least.. and my mom is buggin me about it every 5 mins ahh drives me bonker.. so no clue what im gonna do about that. oh well. All day i've been thinkin a lot, sorting stuff out in my head iguess you could say. which is good, i think i've finally convenced my self i dont really want a relationship... that its my senior year and i need to have fun. So thats what im gonna do, have fun. But it just seems like im always so busy, i never get to see ne one that i want to ne more... so i guess starting now im gonna start makin it a point to make time to see all the ppl i never see since school started. ne ways. we play cooper 2morrow, im super nervous b/c i havn't hit in 3 or 4 days, and this is way important that we win this. who knows... im out later