Feb 10, 2006 11:04
Actual conversation I just had:
P: Nicole. I followed up on those checl requests. These two are done. This one was done, then voided, because Wendy put it on her credit card and got re-imbursed, and this last one was just never done.
N: Well why wasn't it done?
P: Probably because the request was put in before I started and it magically disappeared somewhere. But I don't have it, so if it needs to get done, I need another check request.
N: Okay, but when the client asks me where her check is, what am I supposed to tell her?
P: *laughs* Oh... uh... *laughs hysterically* I don't think that'll be a problem... *can't spit out the words I'm laughing so hard* I got a call last night after you left. Kay... *laughs* Kay is dead. *laughing so hard I'm crying* so I don't think you'll need to explain anything to her.