Apr 16, 2006 23:35
This weekend was amazing. Friday was spent working pretty much all day, which sucked. I got back to campus around 7pm and hung out and relaxed for awhile. Marc IMed and we went down to Main Street and ate at JP's Eatery. Had some buffalo wings. Weren't nearly as good as other places, but thats ok. We eventually got back to the dorm and went our separate ways in order to try and get some work done. Yeah, that didn't happen. Marc came down to my room and we manuevered the couch so it was infront of the TV, good call Marc. We watched 40 Year Old Virgin and watched all the out-takes, deleted scenes etc. We finally went to bed at like 12:30ish.
The next day I slept in, got a shower and I was going to try and get work done, but that didn't work. I think Marc and I had lunch at the dining hall, but I can't remember. We then went on a mission to find the guy who was playing his drums soooo loud. It edned up being this random person in Devine who we didn't know. So we stood outside of his door just listening, looking like absolute freaks! lol Didn't stay too long cause we didn't want to look like we were stalking the guy and look like even more losers than we already are! lol Went back to our own rooms and "did some work." I believe Marc did work while I screwed around and watched TV all day. He IMed me later than day asking if I wanted to go out to dinner with him...yes of course! Mexx came along too and we all went to Friday's, apparently Marc's favorite restaurant. Got some good food, but no surprise birthdays today lol. Then we headed over to Portsmouth so Marc could take some bulb exposures for his photo class. That was fun. We walked the span of about 100 yards for an hour and a half just timing the pictures and talking. Ran into some nice cops and lots of people very interested in Marc's old school camera. It was fun. Took his camera stuff back the car and went back to Breaking New Grounds for some awesome coffee. We were originally going to meet up with one of Marc's friend to hang out at a party, but those plans fell through. We ended up hanging out at the Porstmouth Parking Garage at the very top level just taking pictures and talking. Then a rent-a-cop came along and spoiled our fun. Apparently we're not allowed to stand around looking sketchy up there...though it was like 12:30am. There was a sketchy guy though hanging on the other side in a dark spot smoking a bowl. What a cool kid. We decided to go to Mexx's condo from there. We ended up watching the rest of Jerry Maguire on TV and talking. Mexx and I tried to spike Marc's hair into a mohawk, but his was too short. It was late and I kept dosing off. Marc and Mexx thought it would be funny to tickle my feet and take pictures of me...thanks! lol We ended up talking a walk through the sketchy part of the old mill area in Newmarket. We found a bench and sat there and talked. Eventually made it back to the condo, mind you it was about 4am by then. Talked some more, I fell asleep some more and then Marc and I decided that we should probably head back to campus. Got in his car and made our way back around 4:45am. I was wide awake after my cat nap so Marc and I decided that we should watch the sunrise. We went to this little place off of 108 pas the Ocean Bank. It had a path that walked along this river and it was beautiful. Sunrise was around 5:30am. Got some good pics on my phone...poor Marc's phone was sucky. Sent him some of the pics. It ended up being really cold so we thought that we should go lol. Got back to campus and into bed at 6:15ish am.
What a great way to spend Easter weekend when nobody else is around. Campus was dead and the weather was beautiful! I will add pics later!!