Sep 14, 2010 19:51
I am so pissed off I want to scream. I have been venting my frustrations about work for the last hour and it still keep coming. I made the gross error in judgement of asking my sister if she knew anyone that would like to work my inventory for $100. I asked 5 weeks ago. Her sense of urgency does not exist. Only after serious shoving by our mother has she gotten around to doing what she told me she was going to do. I have stressed the urgency of the issue several times. I have made sure, several times, she knows what ID is needed so I do not have to send people home. I am absolutely sure she will not let them know and I will be sending people home.
What makes me feel worse though is that I have not gotten the paperwork to 2 people who responded to me right away saying they were in. I really need to get that to them. Hopefully tomorrow night. I'll call those of you who know who you are.
I have this sense of dread about the whole inventory this year. I just cannot shake the feeling that this is not going to go well. Not once in the prior 3 years I have done this have I felt like this.
I really want that merchandising job this week.