Name: Malachy Declan Sullivan
Preferred Name and Nickname(s): Mal for those who are close to him and have a hard time pronouncing his name.
Date of Birth: 6/20/1988 twenty three years old
Place of Birth and Citizenship(s): Belfast Ireland, holds a United Kingdom Passport
City(ies) of Residence: Atlantic City New Jersey still has a lease on an apartment in Belfast.
With Whom do They Live?: By himself
Sex, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation: Male, Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Relationship History: A few short term relationships, nothing truly noteworthy.
Family: Malachy is a bit distant with his family. He has only one sibling, a twin sister whom is not like him at all but they remain close.
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian, Irish
Height/Weight/Build: Five Feet Five Inches (with shoes on) / 115lbs/ Small and thin but strong and fit
Hair/Eyes/Skin: Malachy has very long straight strawberry blond/red hair he’s worn at many different lengths over the years. He has blue grey eyes and very pale skin that matches his overall very light complexion.
Tattoos, Piercings, Scars, Facial Hair, etc: Tattoos: full sleeve of on the right side, half on the left. Chest piece, back of right hand, and all 10 fingers. Piercings: Bottom lip pierced twice, ear lobes stretched, and surface piercing on hips. Scars: the normal childhood scars plus he had his appendix taken out when he was 12.
Clothing/Jewelry Prefer how do they identify their race and/or ethnic origins?ences: Malachy likes to wear tight jeans (usually black) paired with either button downs or vneck tshirts. Sometimes he’s been known to have a headband to control his hair or a simple black choker but not often.
Misc. Appearance: Just usually pretty laid back but keeps himself looking good. Also wears contacts and dark rimmed glasses.
Religious and Political Affiliations:Malachy is Catholic born and raised, though he doesn’t attend church regularly anymore. He is a republican(Irish) and for the unification of Ireland and making it an independent country free of British rule. He is a strong believer that the Irish people should do what ever it takes to get their freedom back.
Primary- Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh
Secondary- St Patricks College
University - University of Ulster Belfast, Despite not wanting to go to University his parents insisted after he scored very well on his A levels. He could of gone just about to any school he wanted but he was too deep into everything about the darker sides of Belfast by then to want to leave and so picked the closest place to attend a few classes. He has a degree in chemistry.
Languages spoken or understood: Fluent in Irish, English and French. Can get by in many European countries.
Occupation: Security (weapons trade/specialist)
Previous Occupation(s): Student, worked in a local pub, weapons specialist, soldier.
Interests/Hobbies/Activities/Organisations: When Malachy has free time its easy to find him in a bar, specially if there is live music. He’s a sucker for anything loud and heavy but he’ll listen to anything that is good. He also loves to read, he does it all the time when he’s left to do his own thing and not working.
Skills/Abilities: Explosives, Malachy loves working and creating anything explosive, it’s sort of a skill and a flaw.
Weapons: Malachy is almost always armed somehow, be it by gun or knife he is always carrying. He is an excellent shot not to mention he can do wonderful things with just a little c4.
Flaws, Addictions, Problems, Quirks and Foibles, etc.: Malachy is a borderline alcoholic (though it will never be admitted) but he deals with any stress or emotions that are hard with drinking. He also tends to lean to the side of a bit socially awkward, he says the wrong things from time to time and just doesn’t fit in at others, perhaps it is mostly cultural or at least he hopes so.
Personality: Some people are the type who claim to be loners but in reality don’t do well when alone and that is Malachy. He wants to be able to manage everything on his own but it all sort of puts him on edge when he’s by himself for long periods of time. He is polite and knows how to talk to those who are of a higher rank than he is. Malachy is almost too ambitious though at times and it has landed him in hot water more than once, he is that quite one who likes to talk his way up the ranks.
Other Biographical Information: Malachy has lived his whole life in Northern Ireland and had fully intended to live his whole life there (only of course have it just be Ireland someday). So moving to New Jersey is a bit of a shock and put him a bit as a fish out of water. It’s his own fault though and he knows it. As punishment for his ambition the powers that be had taken what was a little mistake and turned it into a way to get him away. Sending him across the sea and into one of their largest financial supporters. Of course Malachy knew who The Donnellys were and it was sort of like an honor being told he was being sent into Thomas's ranks but at the same time he knew what it was, it was fear and they knew that he could not make much ground among the family based power. He is a bit hesitant but he can be very loyal but it will take him awhile to accept the no style of life but he’s still glad he can help with the cause still.
Other Application Information (the basics I need that don't fit above):
PB, if applicable:/ Michael Jagmin
LJ/AIM: MalGoesBoom/Malachyontherocks
Do you play other cha/racters in the game? If yes, who?: Oh idk a few.
How did you hear about us?: Magic trolls