Remember the poll I'd asked you to vote for a few days ago? Well, I have finally got round to compiling the data (that sounds grand, doesn't it?) and I've even managed to make a nice little pie chart from it. Wanna see?
There are a few interesting observations to make here.
For example, I knew that the cult stuff would get a lot of votes - as I had the feeling that you guys enjoyed it. But I didn't expect the 'new home' chapters to be so popular - on the contrary, I worried that they would be boring. One of the respondents added something to the 'Other' category which makes me realise that chapters don't need to necessarily be action packed to be interesting:
'How they get excited about the little things that Jesse introduce them to.'
I guess that's what this story is about, after all. It's not a Dan Brown page-turner, nor a straightforward romance. It's a bit of both, but fundamentally, The Innocents could be summed up in three points: it's a story about triumph against adversity, about the kindness of strangers. Above all, for me, it's a story about hope.
I hope you will all still be here for Chapter 1 of Book II. The draft is almost finished, and it's already about 6k long. It will be a big headache to edit, as usual, but I hope that you will enjoy the end result.
See you soon.