Title: Out of Sight
greenschistWord Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Challenge: Platform 9 3/4
Author's Notes: Also for my
100quills table, prompt #021 Weeks.
Thirteen weeks of summer holiday and he's hardly thought of her at all. Draco tells himself this all the time. He never pictures her face, never wonders if Weasley and Potter get to kiss her, and it's never ever her body he touches in his dreams. He's not looking for her now, bobbing on his toes next to the shiny locomotive so he can see over the crowd of students.
The barrier opens, and suddenly the platform is crowded with gingers and she's there, laughing, happy, and so Muggleish. And for the first time in thirteen weeks, he can breathe.