Thanks to
moonkittenluna and
pureblood_queen for friending me! In thanks, I'd like to write you a little something. So if you're interested, comment below and I'll try to cook you up something special. Fiction-wise, I mean. Or, if you're interested in fanfiction, friend me and I'll write you something, lol.
I'll try to have part five up of Up The Road online tonight. Things are going crazy in real life, so it might have to be pushed back to Sunday. But I'll really try. Thanks for all the nice reviews so far!
Also, I've been reading here and there, and I wanted to make a quick reccomendation.
The Inner-Workings of Coincidence by
marksykins. It's H/D, NC-17.
Summary: Harry leaves the wizarding world, following the forced exodus of the Death Eaters' children. Then, five years passes.
It's really very good. Long, too. I reccomend it if you haven't read it already.