Dec 20, 2010 01:55

Amici! This is Malfatto, at your convenience. Leave a note if you wish, I'll reply as soon as I can.


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[ Voice ] (Forward dated to this evening...) knows_it_all March 4 2011, 18:52:04 UTC
[ Static. ]

[ When it clears, there is the distinct sounds of the outside blaring over the speakers. Kunsel attempts to find a quieter side street. It mutes about only half the noise. ]

Malfatto...? Hey, you got a minute?

Or maybe a handful. I think I might need a handful.

[ Fwump. ]

[ He leans against the wall, slides down, butt hitting the cold concrete. A quiet shudder ripples through him, a deep and quivering breath... ]

Um...got into a fight.

[ Yeah. A fight. That's what it was. ]

[ Because regular Joes carry syringes around with them full of whatever-in-Ifrit's-pit that stuff was... ]

Could use a place to crash tonight, too. If you don't mind. And...don't tell anyone. Please.


[ Voice ] malfattore March 4 2011, 20:21:35 UTC
{Silence at first, though subtle background din suggests a person listening, albeit merely sitting there.}



{A sigh.}

This is acceptable. Come by my residence, but do excuse the condition it's in at the moment. I had a guest earlier who... was dissatisfied with the service she received during a previous appointment. She's gone now. No one will know you're here.



[ Voice ] knows_it_all March 5 2011, 03:19:05 UTC
Knew I could count on you, buddy. Thanks.

[ Pause. ]

...Hey, uh. If that person made a mess of things, I could help you clean it up. Least I can do for you since you're lettin' me crash there and all.


[ Voice ] malfattore March 5 2011, 03:26:25 UTC
{Even if the feed included video, those goggles would still hide narrowed eyes, the mask blocking a twist in his lips as he sneers at the word.}


{... for the love of... }

Think nothing of it. You may help, as long as you don't question my decor.


And I'm assuming by "crash", you mean sleep. Unless the injuries you've sustained are making you delirious.


[ Voice ] knows_it_all March 5 2011, 03:38:20 UTC
Yeah, buddy.

[ He scrubs a hand over the back of his neck and sighs. ]

I know you're probably just helping out because it's your job and all as a doctor, confidentiality blah-blah-blah, but...well, doesn't gotta be just that?

[ Or maybe I really am delirious or something. ]

What I'm trying to say is...you wouldn't be a bad guy to have as a friend.

[ And I could keep an eye on you that way, make sure you're just a jerk and not...a fiend like Hojo. ]

Um, I won't question stuff if it'll bother you. Seriously, I'll be quiet like you won't even know I'm there.


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