Dec 20, 2010 01:55

Amici! This is Malfatto, at your convenience. Leave a note if you wish, I'll reply as soon as I can.


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looseleafbook February 5 2011, 18:47:06 UTC
Hey there, got a question for you.

We're kind of picking up from where Hope left off when he went back home and are looking for folks skilled in first-aid or who wish to be trained in it to put together in a team. I'm leaving this message here because you responded to his idea of gathering up information on those with medical knowledge or healing abilities.

This team would be a First Response team, out there with the fighters to help the locals and any Scorched with wounds received from an attack similar to the recent ones we experienced with the statues. You'd be out there on the front lines while the fighting is going on all around you. Now while you wouldn't be responsible for healing every wound there is, simple and basic wrapping of injuries, splinting broken bones, carrying the wounded out of the war zone would be some of what you'd be doing out there.

If you're concerned for your safety but do want to help we will have a fighter assigned to the group to protect them as they're out on their rounds. Depending on the group's final size we might have more than one fighter detailed to them.

You don't have to commit right away, you've got some time to think about this after all. But do respond if you're interested or might be interested in a base group where we can treat any and all injuries outside the battle zone. We're also looking for someone to lead this group because while I have some medical knowledge I'm much more useful as a fighter.

Thanks for your time! [A slight pause and a sheepish laugh.] Oh, and I'm Lavi if you have any questions.


malfattore February 7 2011, 05:11:08 UTC
I notice you didn't mention the word "volunteer" anywhere. I assume by this that anyone involved can expect some sort of payment, si?

Regardless, I'm feeling particularly generous. Payment or no, I'd like to take part. For the most part, I can handle myself well enough in combative situations as well. If fighters are scarce, my group could potentially suffice without one.


looseleafbook February 7 2011, 05:48:42 UTC
Yeah, it's volunteer based. [Sheepish laugh] Guess I should have mentioned that. But I'm sure that there'll be some kind of payment set up, can't expect you guys to go out and do this for free.

So you'd be good with working by yourself if you had to? As it looks now it'll be a small group.


malfattore February 7 2011, 05:59:02 UTC
Certainly. Let me know when I'm needed.


looseleafbook February 7 2011, 06:08:38 UTC
Heh, will do~


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