Now that everyone has made New Year’s Resolutions to Loose weight and cut back on the Junk Food… it’s time for GIRLSCOUT COOKIES!!! (no, they’re not actually made of Girl Scouts… it’s more of a labor force thing)
Seriously, Allie is selling GS Cookies, and I wanted to let you all know that we are your total connection for the Cookies! (thinmintsthinmintsthinmints)
To see the selection and read the tasty descriptions, go to and look around. There are 8 varieties: Thin Mints, Trefoils, Samoas, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs, Lemon Crèmes, All Abouts, and Sugar Free Chocolate Chip, and they’re all $4/ Box.
Also, you can buy a box for the Troops overseas, and the GS Counsel will pick an assortment for the donated boxes. They really appreciate the yummies!!!
So let me know ( or 203-763-9913) if you need to be hooked up. We’d need Checks (or cash or whatnot) by Feb 1st when she turns in her order form. Her goal is 200 boxes to get a cool patch. Boxes would be available as early as March 4th. (longer if i have to ship them to you)