(no subject)

Sep 10, 2011 13:14

So... April 2010, huh.

Hello, lovelies! Contrary to appearances I am, in fact, both alive and in possession of internets! I am also, as of today, officially MID-TWENTIES, which still seems vaguely impossible to me on many levels, but there you go.

Yay for having birthdays at home during your semester break!

I finally followed through on dusting off ye olde LJ - mostly by uploading new icons, WHAT - so now I just need to keep ACTUALLY UPDATING. I have miiiiissed you guys. ♥ Here's what I'm (mostly) up to these days, fandom-wise:

- Teen Wolf (it's robanybody's fault)
- Game of Thrones
- Doctor Who
- White Collar
- Haven
- Being Human US
- Football! The proper kind, not the NFL one.

And then, you know, other bits and bobs. COME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE LOVING RIGHT NOW?
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