Mar 31, 2005 11:55
I got into a fight with my mother last night. I don't know what I did wrong. I'm always cranky, I always cuss but lately she's been yelling at me and telling me that I'm not old enough to say words like, "Dumbass." I'm 20 years old for christ sake and I only cuss so frequently because that's how I grew up. My parents cussed and threw shit all the time and now in their old age they spoil kids rotten and try to act all holy? *sigh*
I'm still a good person on the inside. My parents just don't get it. This is who I am. Angry old me and it feels better to be angry than it does to just hold it all inside me all the time. And in return my folks think I'm mentally messed up. They're the ones who are messed up. Not me.
Heh and there is my angsty post for the day. Take notes, Crystalline. What do you think? Needs to be angrier? ^.~