Merlin 1x04 The Poisoned Chalice or something or other....

May 11, 2010 00:58

Ummmm. I have squee for this show. I feel guilty for cheating on SPN with it! I was up until 3:10am last night watching youtube vids of Bradley and Colin being ridiculous and adorable. And every night I watch another episode. I didn't realize I missed so many. I mean, there's only 13 in a season! And I just watched the first 4 and realized I hadn't seen any of them. Now particularly episode 4, when Arthur is climbing out of the cave and the ball of light magically provided by a halllucinating Merlin some hundred miles away guides him, it was SO DAMN CORNY and I was still all, "OMG! Arthur, you can do it! Climb Arthur climb! Merlin's light will guide you! Squeee! Yay! You did it! Hooray for the power of love between Arthur and Merlin!" Hahahaha Man, I am so easy. *G*


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