Many apologies for being late.
Title: Getting It Right
Written by:
speakingsilenceWritten for:
maleslashminis and
soft_princessWord Count: 5,018
Pairing Requested: Angel/Doyle
Prompts Wanted: post-Hero where Doyle kissed Angel instead of Cordelia, but didn't die; Angel takes care of Doyle in the aftermath; angst with a happy/hopeful ending
Things to Avoid: character death; Cordelia
Rating: NC-17
Setting: immediately post-Hero (AtS, S1)
Summary:Actually, the prompts pretty much sum up the story!
Disclaimer:Angel, Doyle and the AtS universe and characters belong to Joss and co. I'm only borrowing them for a bit of no-profit-involved fun.
AN: Many apologies for this being late, and all mistakes belong to me.
Here's the
link to my lj.