We've had one person have to drop out of the ficathon (and for the record, it is always appreciated when you tell us that you're not going to be able to deliver fic, so we know for a fact that backup is needed), and so we're in need of a backup writer for a Xander/Wesley fic.
And the request has been claimed! This is a wonderful group of people, and your mods appreciate how quickly we get volunteers for backup fic.
Male character you want paired with Xander: Wesley
Up to three things you want in your fic: a mistake made, a photograph, set before S7 or AU with Xander never losing his eye
Up to two things you don't want: non-human Xander, focus on Xander being unappreciated by other characters
Preferred maximum rating: max NC-17, so anything, really
Any other comments: I hope the 'don't wants' make sense -- I just want to avoid fics that make Xander into some perfect character who is unappreciated and/or the resolver of all problems. He's human and flawed, so let him be that. /soap-boxing
(The remaining unposted fic is still listed as "delayed" because the last we heard, the author is still trying to finish it. As usual, if it hasn't been posted when signups for round 4 close (and we hadn't already been told to find a backup writer), we'll put up a request for backup then.)