Round 20 Fic!

Dec 26, 2007 07:18

Fic is coming in for the AU round, and with the deadline only four days away, there'll be a lot more coming soon! The masterlist is here, so you can check the stories out! (To know when new stories will be added, you can track comments to the post.)

The goodies so far (all contemporary human AU):

+For lostgirlslair, bethynyc has posted Giles/Spike, here
+For silkensky, reremouse has posted Spike/Xander, here
+For allyndra, mireille719 has posted Riley/Xander, here, and Spike/Xander, here

If there's any new fic posted between now and Friday, I'll do another update then before the final update on Sunday.

A note to authors: please be sure to (1) post a link to your story (or the story itself) in the community; the masterlist has dropped off everyone's friends pages, and it's the only way to be sure comm members see it quickly; (2) leave us a comment on the masterlist that includes title, pairing, type of AU, and a link.

round:20, admin:general

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