Newt Needs Help D:

Oct 16, 2010 18:48

So while I was at my education workshop today, Lowell took Newt to the vet for her follow up blood work. I called during a break in the session to see how things went, since I was hoping the medicine she has been on worked and the enzymes in her blood were at normal level.

Fortunately, one of them went down. Unfortunately, the other is super high. This may indicate that either her liver didn't develop right and just isn't working, or that there is a heart valve mix up that isn't getting the blood through the liver to clean.We are keeping her on the meds to see, since the one enzyme that actually lowered was not as high as the one that has not gone down much, if maybe she just needs more time for the other one to regulate.

If it does not, Newt will need up to 1500 dollars worth of diagnostic procedures to figure out what's wrong, let alone what surgery she may need to fix the problem (more money) and then maybe she will be able to get spayed (even more money). Lowell and I don't know how we can afford this, especially since I will soon not have a job (though I am looking for one). Another worry I have is the whole reason we discovered this issue and she has not been spayed is because with her condition anesthesia is risky and of course if she were to go in to surgery to fix this problem, what would happen to her if they put her under? Doubt.

I want to find a way to raise money for her. I won't have a farmer's market anymore so I won't have tip jar money to go towards her medical fund. The tip jar did, however, work very well. I simply put out a little cup that said "Baby Cat Medical Fund" and when people would inquire I would tell them Newt's tale and usually people would put a little bit in. Tips ranged from .50 cents to $15.00 and in the end all of that money covered a pack of her medicine and her vet visit and blood work today, so that was really helpful.

I would do a bake sale, or something. I wish I had stuff to sell on EBay, or were internet famous enough to do some sort of commission work to raise funds but unfortunately I'm not. I have friends who are, maybe they can give me some ideas.

I don't want to have to put Newt to sleep because I can't afford her vet bills. D:

Please for to help me save Doc's little sister.
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