Jul 07, 2008 00:07
Busy, busy, busy.
I got my VTA pass, so now I can take the light rail to work in Campbell, which is good for Joe cos he doesn't have to worry about picking me up, and I can get in early to work on the farmer's market stuff.
Work from ten in the morning to twelve midnight.
Work at eleven ish, didn't have to do farmer's market stuff because Joe's dad brought a lot back from the market that day. Did a few deliveries. Ate some pho, went to Frost's and watched Fido. An awesome movie, if I do say so.
Helped Joe work a farmer's market, sold things 'til about noon, then eventually Joe's mom came to take over.
Went to the beach for beach frisbee, took a nap in the sun, went into the ocean and got my ass kicked by ten foot waves (I went upside down!), lost a scrunchie to Poseidon, got sand in places there should not be sand. Ate at Betty's Burgers and had good times with friends before coming home, showering, and going to see Hancock with Joe, Dave, Craig and Emily. I brought back a neat rock from the beach for Doc, I'm going to put his pawprint on it.
And now I'm home, and about to pass out. Life's been keeping me busy for sure.