So it's late and I have nothing to do tomorrow, a glorious feeling that I want to curl up into for as long as I goddamn feel like; maybe even until three. Even feeling slightly sick cannot really affect me; I am invincible!
After all, what's another half-hour when the snow's falling so thick it makes your hair white, you've got some smoky whisky in your cup and every song you play is smooth and silky. Mind you, I can't play just anything. Most of the blogs I regularly visit just don't have what I need,
headphone sex being a notable exception. Tonight, they're all mellow and soulful so you could go hence, post-haste, and download everything except that track by The Black Ghosts which is unexceptional.
I can even live with my alarmingly-frequent dips into the bizarre world of home decor pornography if it means I can finish the day like this at least once a week.
Yesterday was bit of a recovery from the extended party that was my weekend. First up was my good friends, Gavin and Jeff's first public night as Three Man Dance Party at The Boat.
You can read about my night on blogTO but I will say this: it was the best party I've been to this year and is a sign of things to come. There were a lot of good connections established all around and not only will this summer be fun, it's also gonna be productive. Go us.
Saturday found me back at The Boat for my first ever Goin' Steady. I've always dug that music more than anything else so it was only natural that I should have a bitchin' time. Sabrina also helped me cut the line and was a fantastic dance partner so that helped too.
There were many beautiful girls there who needed partners so thank god, these masked fellows were there to sweep them off their feet. Usually, I'd be all for it but I was beginning to tire by then and was content to dance with one girl (and that one other time I danced with Nancy who is about as good as they get when it comes to things like that).
The mysterious men even asked me to join 'em and maybe I will. The anonymity is rather appealing when one gets tired of being one's self, night after night. Hell, some people are a different person every night and look where it gets them? Laughs and chuckles, right?
Speaking of guises, go listen to this song RIGHT NOW and then we'll get back to my weekend.
Kompressor does a cover of Debra (that Beck song) and it's so good with this vaguely-German guy screaming ( YOUR SISTER, I THINK HER NAME IS DEBRA, I WANT TO GET WITH YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... STEP INSIDE MY VOLKSWAGON!!!) over this jazzy, bass synth. It's too good and even though it's not mellow, I'll play it tonight.
Ahem... so I spent two nights at The Boat and realized that some girls I know have friends who don't like me very much, supposedly 'cos I'm some kind of "player" or maybe it's playboy 'cos I'm not an asshole, just sweet and confused or something like that. I'm not really sure where that's going and I don't know if I agree but we all have our moments I guess.
Next night was Superbowl and what was a crummy day at work turned into a very good evening indeed as the Giants surprised everyone and held their own against the Patriots who were jonesing to cap that perfect season with the ultimate win.
The first three quarters of the game were rather slow and I even fell asleep once (narrowly escaping the horrible fate of human Jenga) but as it looked more and more like the Patriots would pull it off, I resigned myself to a joint outside only to find upon reentering the room that things were not as hopeless as they seemed.
Eli Manning managed to toss one off after getting nearly sacked not once but four times by various opponents and David Tyree caught it magnificently, leading to another touchdown by the Giants which the Patriots were unable to match up to. It was one of the single best plays I have ever seen and the last five minutes of the game are the most excited I've been watching football ever.
After celebrating that victory, I was bit worse for wear Monday and didn't go out again (even though I really, really wanted to). Today was my day of rejuvenation. Gil came over and we had an amazing meal with some pasta, greens and a fantastic bottle of Masi Valpolicella. It was quite literally the perfect repaste and we ended well too with a cigarette and some whisky.
Starting Thursday, I will be working many, many hours at Joy which should make my life a lot easier. There's been too much time off and although I've enjoyed it, it's time to get busy.