For a good cause -- Icon-slash meme

Aug 26, 2005 12:53

gacked from underlucius and several others.

Those of you who did it, trollprincess is using them for this round at ithurtsmybrain

Achilles/Borg!Lucius Malfoy
Corset/Desire of the Endless
Female dark elf/handcuffs
Fallen angel/male elf
Palpatine in detention/Severus Snape
Two boys kissing/two ladies kissing
Vampire!Marie Antoinette/Vernon Dursley

And a few from my "interests", because it sounds like FUN!

A. C. Swinburne/androgyny - isn't there already a poem like that?

Angelus/anime - I can SEE this, if it's one of the violent ones with floppy breasts.

Anne Rice/Arioch - I knew she made a deal with the Devil.

Arthur/Molly - it was actually "Arthur/Arthur/Molly" but I just don't see how that works.

Asher/Azhrarn - MIC! I think I have my next weird Asher pairing story! Damn, that's hot.

Bisexuality/BDSM - Well, yes. That always makes a nice addition to a fic.

Carmilla/Cedric Diggory - Hmm..

Conan/Desire - ::DIES::

Detritus/Discworld - Detritus Does Discworld? *sporfles*

Dracula/Drow - Cool.

Dwarf women/e.e. cummings - O.O Oh dear.

Edgar Allen Poe/elegance - again, been done in his poems.

Elf bondage/Elric - Yum.

Enjolras/Erik - ... Wow. I can almost... see that, if I squint hard.

Erotica/Femdom - Oh, I WILL write this. Have no worries.

Femslash/Fleur Delacour - This too.

Frankenstein/Fred Saberhagen - Not this one, though.

Fred Weasley/Fritz Leiber - Enough of these real-people/fantasy people slashes.

Gandalf/Gaston Leroux - Damn it, interests, I'm warning you!

Gay/lesbian rights/George Weasley - ::pumps fist:: YES!

Giftfic exchanges/Ginny Weasley - uh-HUH.

Gothic/Gothic horror - A Goth in a Gothic horror story? Interesting thought.

Gothic Lolita/Granny Weatherwax - OH, the WRONGNESS.

Greebo/H.P. Lovecraft - ... I know I told it to stop, but that one makes me inhale coffee.

Harry Potter/hot wax - Yes, please.

J. K. Rowling/J. R. R. Tolkien - Er..

Javert/Julien Mayfair - ::perks:: Is it wrong that I want to see that?

Leather/Les Miserables - Not the whole cast, surely?

Lily Evans/Laurell K. Hamilton - NO.

Lord Byron/Lucifer - My new OTP!!

Lucius Malfoy/manga - No. No. I could see Angelus and anime, but no to this.

Mary Shelley/Mazikeen - hmm... NO.

Medieval reenactment/Michael Moorcock - Not much of a stretch, is it?

Mike Carey/Molly Weasley - I said stop that.

Morpheus/MST3K - ::laughs uncontrollably:: Oh the images.

Neil Gaiman/Percy Shelley - .... ::snort::

Phantom of the Opera/Poetry - Would that be the Musical by any chance?

Pretty boy doms/redheaded elves - PLEASE! Oh, please, sir!

Remus Lupin/ritual - Depends on the ritual.

Sam Vimes/Severus Snape - Yeah. That's hot. So hot.

Short stories/Sirius Black - Many of them.

Slash/Spike - Been there, done that.

Stephen King/Tanith Lee - Hmm.

Terry Pratchett/The Archangel Michael - ::dies again::

The Corinthian/The Gunslinger - Oh dear Lord. Let's not and say we did.

The Hobbit/The Old Ones - Eeek! Poor Bilbo.

The Sandman/The Silmarillion - THAT could be interesting.

The Warlock/Thranduil - Well, they're both hot assholes.

Tom Riddle/Vampire novels - Again, I can SO see this.

Vetinari/Victor Hugo - ... no. Quit it.

W. H. Auden/Walt Whitman - ... I find myself unable to shoot down this one.

Wesley Wyndham-Price/writing - Aw, and stop on a boring "of course" note.
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