Holy hell when did it get to be July already? I mean seriously? That's just crazy talk.
Not that I really have a lot of things to talk about. I mostly mindless spam my
tumblr with pretty/silly/stupid stuff, work, sleep and play video games. Its a hard life, I know.
My dolls have sort of taken a back seat. Partially because my apartment is a fucking mess and I am too sick and tired lately (and by lately, I mean since like January) to clean it up with the sort of effort it needs. Caidy's body has been with a friend from work for almost a month now because she is making a rather ridiculously awesome renne faire outfit for her. I am contemplating adding a LTF El to my collection, because sure why not add yet another size doll to the madness and because I know I don't/won't have the money for the Iplehouse EID Carina and Tedros pair that I want any time soon. I actually gave some serious thought to selling Seth or Zeev to pay for one of them, but the fact is, I just can't imagine doing it.
I've finally found a guild in WoW that approaches something close to the old fun I used to have before everything went sour Alliance side before I quit. Mostly this is because one of my wifeys is in it and so they are all people she knows and they are funny and know their stuff without being obnoxious or too hardcore about it. In fact they're a little TOO laid back sometimes on progression, but since I'd rather have a LITTLE progress then the NO progress I was making before, I'll take it. I admit, it helps that I'm pretty high on the relative DPS charts, and that I am actually enjoying certain dailies and such in the game, instead of feeling like everything is a grind. I've even given in and started dungeon-leveling a few of my characters. Ridiculously fast. I got my hunter from 61 to 65.5 in like, three days. Heirlooms help too. Muhaha.
The only thing of other particular note is that I am, for the first time since, oh, college, maybe, letting my nails grow out. For a lifetime, chronic nail biter, this is something pretty awesome. I blame the awesomeness that is nail art for this. I kept seeing all these awesome things people do with their nails on tumblr and decided I wanted to try it, which means I need to let my nails grow out a little. I'll probably never let them get much past my fingertips, but they've been growing about three weeks now and I have actual NAILS. I still put them in my mouth constantly, but I'm trying to break that habit too. Go me.
If I never work another 4th of July again it will be too soon. Seriously people, calling 911 to find out where the fireworks are? Where are these people's BRAINS?
Uhm, I don't have much else. I should, but my brain is swiss cheese these days and I only JUST realized that evidently twitternesis stopped posting my twitter posts back in like MAY. wtf. So yeah. I've been here. I check LJ every day. I check DW once a week or so. I just haven't been posting. So that's me. How about you?
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