So, I'm thinking I should start actually using this thing, no, yes? MY LJ is permanent, it's not going anywhere, because I'm going to wring every last cent out of that thing I can after paying for a perm account, but really, more and more often, I like less and less the decisions that LJ makes about how they do business. So with the awesome cross posting availability, etc, I don't see why I shouldn't. So there.
I don't know. I barely update my LJ anymore either, but we'll see.
That said, I have a colossal headache, and I would be sleeping it off, but I'm pretty sure it's stress induced from grinding my teeth in my sleep at the rather horrendous dreams I've been having, as it's the second day in a row I've woken up with a migraine. So sleep isn't appealing much.
I have awesome, random text message conversations with my wifey
lorax. Just sayin'.
I have started playing WoW again, sort of, and getting all sorts of excited about the expansion. Because I am a geek.
And, finally, because I have a headache and can not think of anything more interesting, have some pretty picture spam of Zeev, who is beautiful and adorable and has been sitting in the "photo booth" in my dining room for two weeks, poor guy.
More can be found on my
Flickr, as always.
ETA: Wow, helps if I actually ADD the pictures, right? Pffft.
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