Yeeeeeah.... this is gonna be a Twilight post. My apologies in advance. Because of all the crap that comes with it, I sometimes I forget that I'm actually a ~fan~ of the series lmao. This time last year I could not get enough of this shit. And a sad part of me kind of misses that... the rest of me wanders what's wrong with that part.
Can I just say, first off, that I miss this guy terribly. He's Twilight's Darth Maul. The awesome villain from the first installment that everyone loves and ends up dying. Leaving us with Victoria (a.k.a. Count Dooku) who's there mostly in name only, and who SMeyer seems to think serves as this potent unseen threat for books 2 and 3, Not so much. More of an annoyance that takes forever to resolve. Hopefully the movies will fix that, but like most things with this series, I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Random thought I got last night: the Carlisle/Esme, Emmett/Rosalie, and Jasper/Alice backstories would make great Lifetime TV movies, even without the vampire shit. Think about it:
"Trapped in a loveless, abusive marriage, and heartbroken by the loss of her child, Esme Evensen is driven to the brink... but a strange twist of fate leads her to the handsome, compassionate doctor she met as a girl, and his aloof teenage son. Can Esme adjust to her new life and find the courage to love again?"
"Rosalie Hale was beautiful, the flower of society, and engaged to the perfect man. But she lost it all in a night of terror, pain, and betrayal. Though saved from death and part of a new family, Rosalie still carries scars from her past. Her fate changes again when she unexpectedly saves the life of handsome, care-free Emmett McCarty. Will Emmett be the one to help Rosalie find true happiness?"
*Okay, I tried, and it turns out I can't write a cheesy summary of an Alice and Jasper Lifetime movie that doesn't sound stupid lmao. It'd still be awesome though!
I think if SMeyer was ever tempted to return to writing about Twilight (AFTER FINISHING MIDNIGHT SUN JFC), she should write prequels. That's what people would really want. I don't want to know about their future. She'd have to invent some other existence-threatening issue that the family would have to overcome and it'd just be stupid. And I'm pretty sure I'd dislike Renesmee as an adult. SO, prequels it should be! And, like Midnight Sun, the stories are all in her fucking head anyway, that simplifies the process considerably. So yeah...just an idea I'd like to throw out into the universe!
Honestly, this is the best Carlisle look I've seen in the movies yet, lol. There's this "come hither" attitude going on in this picture that I definitely approve of. Looking forward to this part of movie for sure! (which means it'll probably get cut to make room for more shots of Bella's open-mouthed face looking sad fml)
Mmmmmmm Kellan. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea (I know, Friend, I know), but I can't help it. It's purely a physical thing. And considering the two train wrecks that are the leads of this movie, it's a nice change to see a member of the cast that can walk down the street/go to public appearances looking presentable. And he does, always. I've never seen him in a questionable outfit. There are probably reasons for this beyond just having a decent fashion sense, but I choose not to go there. Because I don't care. Boy looks delicious.
I also have a soft spot for Kellan because he was the only member of the cast who perfectly fit my version of the character. Not that that's easy to do, because my version of book characters aren't ever....clear. I finally figured out a way to describe that. Sorta. It's like people in your dreams. They're clear during the dream, but when you try to recall them when you wake up you can't. My brain just sort of inserts a generic image based on the character's description; it's never specific or clear. It's weird. But it makes adapted to the people playing the characters in the movie easier lmao. But anyway... Kellan is the perfect Emmett. Also, Emmett is a happy character that doesn't suck, so that boosts Kellan's standing as well.
There aren't enough words to describe the awesomeness of Jackson. He so above the shit that's involved with these movies it's ridiculous. And he and his band are hilarious. And like Kellan he's able to go out into the world without looking like a bum or saying something stupid. And jfc those lips!
Apparently I'm one of, like, 5 people who likes Jasper's New Moon hair. It's not perfect I admit, but at least it stays the same from scene to scene unlike in Twilight. Supposedly it's changing again for Eclipse. Maybe that will be the winning look? We can hope?
Oh, hey now, this guy doesn't belong here! Lol... but as long as he is we can take a moment to swoon, non?
Well.... I suppose there's no point putting this off anymore....
I have absolutely no idea what part of the movie this is supposed to be from, but who who the fuck cares because holy wow that coat! J'adore! Despite the fail of him being in a fucking suit for most of the movie, at least the wardrobe has taken a step in the right direction. I was not wanting another movie of ill-fitting black jeans and $1 t-shirts that Rob slept in the night before (I'm just guessing at that, but admit it, you could see him doing it).
Now, see? When you style him correctly and direct him, he can produce brilliance. He's a pretty boy, it shouldn't be this hard. His hair in this pic totally distracts me....with it's secrets!
First *official* image from Eclipse. Bella's hair actually looks real in this shot at least. And I actually don't mind Edward's outfit, which is odd. Body language is cute too. God knows what awful conversation they're having, it being Eclipse and all. Ick. But he looks pretty in this picture.
Ok, enough swooning, let's wrap this up with some lolz!
(Actually, this outfit wasn't too bad.... sorry, my brain is stuck on wardrobe right now. It's Thursday, Project Runway was on. Which means for the next day or so I'm gonna think I know fashion.)
(Gets me every. single. time.)
Sleep tight! Don't let obsessive vamps oil your windows at night!