How does a prank war constitute a problem, real or imaginary?
Warfare aside, the dorms should be avoided at all costs on April Fools. If I see one more Saran-wrapped toilet, (like you don't check when idiots inhabit the same premises) it'll be way too soon.
There's that. Unless that qualifies under 'useless information' because obviously, the grand majority of students aren't there to learn. If the number of potheads (or oregano-heads, they seriously can't tell the difference) are any indication.
Warfare aside, the dorms should be avoided at all costs on April Fools. If I see one more Saran-wrapped toilet, (like you don't check when idiots inhabit the same premises) it'll be way too soon.
Thank you so terribly much for that. I always enjoy advice I'll never have occasion to use.
Oh I just live to be a useless font of information. It's my chief ambition, along with 'high class call girl' and 'astronaut'.
Best attend your studies, then. A proper university education will give you the qualifications for all three.
Why does anyone attend university for any other reason?
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