Art: Just Ghosts

Jun 21, 2018 19:02

Title: Just Ghosts
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Summary: Sam is brought back from hell broken into parts, memory gone, and fragile. He and Dean recuperate at Bobby's, and Dean teaches Sam how to be Sam. Having no memory is frustrating, and with a weak body, too, Sam finds himself leaning on Dean more and more. Something is wrongDean is conversing with Sam in a language Sam doesn't speak, pining after something they had that Sam doesn't have a name for. Sam's memories lurk around every corner, surprising him at random. He discovers an entire part of his identity, a happy, self-assured woman, has been deleted from his memory, locked behind The Wall due to a dangerous connection to Hell, and Dean was desperately in love with her. Sam struggles to come to terms with his identity and takes terrifying dips in icy Hell memories, watching herself get torn apart, but never him. Only her, until her very core was wrapped with the devil's, with pain. Despite the inevitable danger, Sam tries to make himself whole again, falling in love with Dean and descending deeper into the rabbit hole.
Artist's note: It was such a pleasure working with
excoyote on this.  He has brought forth an amazing piece of fiction that not only touched my heart, but resonated deeply in my soul.  Thank you so much for letting me bring this story to life!

Sample Chapter Header

Link to fic:  Just Ghosts

art, sam/dean, wincest, j2bb 2018

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