Jan 06, 2007 01:07
It's been a slow week on LJ, not a whole lot going on. One might see this as an opportunity to post an entry and perhaps encourage others to do the same... or one might feel "if no one else is posting, why should i?" and then there's those (me) who aren't up to a whole lot, yet still get too lazy to post... hah!
Well, I've been working at Potbelly since right after Christmas- only about 2.5 weeks of work and not a great pay, but it's something! and LORD knows I need it! After taxes, I'll probably take home $225 or so... Hey, I'll take what I can get! I'll tell you what, Potbelly is a great environment to work, but it is a LOT to do!! God, if you have a choice, be a hostess! You barely do ANYTHING and you get paid SO much better to greet people and look pretty! (I love it!) My last day @ Potbelly is this Tuesday, which is exciting because that means my trip home is almost over... not that it's bad here, I'm just soooo anxious to see TJ! I've already had to do the whole long-distance thing with him this entire year- HELL, i even went 2 full months without seeing him ONCE! I almost died! Now I'm nearing the end of another full month and I'm so excited to see him! He'll be here next Wednesday and we'll leave on Friday or Saturday...
Now, I've already decided to leave Marywood (I got a damn 3.8, I kinda wish i didn't HAVE to leave!) and I've sent in my leave-of-absence form and all that fun stuff... and I was considering going to Luzerne, but I'm having doubts about that now... It's just such short notice and I don't even know if i WANT to stay at Luzerne for another 2 years... TJ and I were throwing around the idea of moving to North Carolina, and if i get the opportunity, i want to JUMP on it!! Pennsylvania is a cool state, very very pretty, but I don't feel very inspired there, and i don't really feel like I belong... This is just a developing idea, so we'll see where we end up... But for now, I think I'll take *gasp* another semester off... which kinda sucks, but at this short of notice, I don't think I can pull it off... I'm also debating on majors again... Interior Design sounds great, but can i really make money doing it? Should I do graphic design? Should I do Architecture? Or should I do something "safe" that'll guarantee me a JOB... (ie x-ray technician, dental hygenist, etc)
Regardless, this is coming up VERY fast! In a week, TJ and I will be driving back to PA, then I have to go get all my things from my dorm @ Marywood and get everything figured out with the withdrawl... then I have to move all of THAT to TJ's parents' house... and then I'll be "living" with them, but in actuality, i'll probably be spending MOST of my time at TJ's, so we'll have to figure out some new arrangements... and THEN I have to get a new job... if I'm not in school, I really should start waitressing- which is something I've always VOWED that I'd never do! *sigh* But, it'll make more money and I can probably schmooze myself some good tips... Well, it's a lot I've got on my plate at the moment and things are going to get CRAZY soon... but for now, I guess I'll enjoy my calm before the storm... heh :)
Goodnight, moon!