Chuck (an underestimated greatness)

Jan 02, 2009 01:39

I would like to talk about my favorite TV show.  I didn't realize it was my favorite TV show until a few weeks ago when I had to work on a Monday night and I couldn't watch it live.  Now, we have a PVR and record everything, but I was actually depressed that I was missing it.  So now, the world comes to a stand still and the house gets quite at 7p on Monday nights (ok, not right now, but new episodes return in Feb.).

Here's the premise:  There is this normal guy named Chuck who works at the "Buy More." (It's a knock-off Best Buy.)  He's one of the tech guys for the "Nerd Herd" and drives a funny little car (sound familiar?).  Due to strange events by an old college roommate/best friend that got him kicked out of Stanford he gets all this government secrets put into his head (but not in a dumb, cheesy, old Bond way -totally not saying old Bond is dumb, just try to follow).

Anyway, now there is an agent from the NSA (Adam Baldwin -aka Jane from Firefly & Serenity) and an agent from the CIA (totally hot Austrian chick) who are his handlers there to protect him.  As covers, she is his girlfriend working at the Weinerlicious across the street and he works at the Buy More with Chuck.  Some more fun people are Chuck's best friend who actually refers to himself as a man-boy because he doesn't want to grow up, Chuck's sister who he lives with because they have no parents who is also the loving caring always there for you motherly type, and Chuck's sister's boyfriend who he refers to as Captain Awesome, because he is so awesome (in the rock climbing and muscles and he's a doctor and all that stuff that most of us aren't all packed into one very fine body).

While it's a "spy" show, it's funny, it's witty, the characters are well balanced and well developed.  I think everyone should see it.  Conveniently, all of season 2 is here.  You will have to use your own means to see season 1, and it is great to see from the beginning, but not neccesary if it keeps you from seeing it at all.

Check it out and let me know what you think.


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