It's weird the way these urges work, isn't it? I had started moving over the the 360 blog way back when and that's something I still want to finish doing, but I feel the desire to spew out the ravings in my mind as well. I should probably play around with all the new settings and features that LJ has to offer. That and catch the masses up on life. I think the last post was January or something like that.
So here it is:
- February- Quit ER job
- March- Meant to get around to studying for state licensing exam but mostly sat around and watched TV
- April- Got around to studying and then finally taking that exam
- May- Found out I passed the exam, and became an official RN in the state of WI and started looking for a job
- June- Started to REALLY look for a job as I got more and more bored and more and more poor
- July- Yay, got a gig. Working at a local hospital.
- August- Working a lot, orienting sucks, I did NOT want to work this much.
- September- Oh ya, that's now...
Well, finally coming out of orientation so I can stop working so much. The grand plan is to work 2 nights a week and every third weekend. These are 12 hour shifts so the way I see it, more pay in less time. Shut up! It makes sense in MY head. It keeps me working nights, which, anyone who's ever followed any postings of mine would know is what I like to do. Unfortunately, LJ is not accessible from work nor do I have that kind of time. Oh well, it's good work so far, we'll see where it takes me.
Ok, Now, I'm going to go and try and post date old 360 blogs so they fall back when I was doing the other ones, sorry if it floods your recent messages.