Caution: Religious Post (11/22/07)

Jan 21, 2008 21:49

I've been reading from a pretty common book in the Wiccan community and just wanted to share some things. First, I think it's a great book. Second, I like the way it addresses Spirituality more than other books I've read thus far. What makes it even better, it reads easily and it doesn't feel swayed by the author. Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham:

"...behind the circles, the altars and the regalia, Wicca is designed to facilitate contact with the Divine." pg. 53

"...attaining this peaceful, hopeful, spiritual state will lend greater power to your prayer." pg. 56

"Pray often -- it's an essential part of Wicca." pg. 61

"Lady of the Moon, of the stars and the Earth; Lord of the Sun, of the forests and the hills. My love shines like the Flame; My love floats like the petals upon You." pg. 70

What else this book has helped me to do, in addition to reestablishing my study, it has a guide on helping you to write out your own tradition. I don't think I was ready to do so before this point, but now as I read, it comes naturally. Another part probably has to do with how much I've learned from other books and other people.

I'm still hesitant to name myself Wicca, and will continue with the Pagan label. I just believe there are too many options to limit oneself to specified name. Though who knows how it will end after I finish writing my book, perhaps I will find out something about myself that I didn't know.

But I know this, after nearly 4 years of learning, I think I may finally be ready to perform the initiation. Traditionally it's done after a year and a day after your dedication, but now it finally feels right.

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