I knew the muffin man. He tasted good with chocolate milk.

Apr 09, 2006 22:56

innie weenie beanie jelly beanie. the damn spirits are about to speak. shut the fuck up, i cannot hear them.

once upon a time i made sense. now i make scents and cents. insense is what i am feeling.

I appear to be tired. I cleaned Kisses' cage and let him out for a while. oliver was friendly and licked the little guinea rat. Sabriela tried to be friendly and touch noses with him, however...this disturbed Kisses and so he make little whimpering crying noises that clearly meant "holy fuck, i'm scared shitless" so i had to keep Sabriela away and then Toliver, b/c the poor little kitty wanted to be friends and sit next to me like toliver and she couldn't b/c Kisses would freak out. eventually he sneezed and took a nap, little rodent. he was very warm. i like warm things. then i put him back in his living quarters and cuddled with the dog. prehaps one day i will cuddle with a human...though i'm pretty sure they won't feel like a soft and muscular stuffed animal which is what toliver turns into when we cuddle (by default of course). then Sabriela joined us and so the three of us were on the couch and i'm pretty sure i took a nap...or two. pets are wonderful. :) ...now i just need to clean out the fish tanks to stop procrastinating with homework items. it will also be vital for me to remember to mail the other 2 items as one if a bill and the other is child sponsorship. i must call the child sponsorship people for i must give up one as i don't have $36 to keep giving away (i can really only afford $18, which would be one child and not 2) oy fuckin' vey.

in the dark, the shadows from the closet in the western side of the house will eat you with BBQ sauce and a side of potatoes...so take a shower so you don't give them indigestion. they would apprieciate it very much. thank you.

must get the doors in this appartment new knob things, all of the ones in it now are dying a slow and horrible death and the cat can open nearly all of them...which is not good considering the office closet has a path to the vent system (or something that looks like it) and i'm pretty sure that se was in it at least once...not cool. THE DOORS ARE FAILING THE DOORS ARE FAILING AAAHHHH!!!!

i hate this stupid hamster! :D and i want to chew on it's little fuzzy head! :D
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