Jun 11, 2006 14:36
to all you peices of shit out there piss off already. I dont care what you have to say i dont care what you think. none of you know what happens all you do is pick up peices that you are told. not just from both sides but from what any idiot out there will say. people are so hungry for drama its sickening. i know im a piece of shit and have never denyed it. I do know howevere that i have bent over backwards and put up with a lot and havent fucking said shit about it. The last thing i need is for you idiots to tag me with the pathetic victim tag. im my own victim we all are. we are all responsible for our own actions. too bad the truth is always swept under a rug by the fucking outsiders that dont know shit. those that in the long run dont fucking matter at all. you people make me sick. im going to fix this. im done fighting someone elses war. you people keep talking your shit and adding to the problems you see. you sick peices of shit need to be shot in the street. im sure this will give you more reason to fucking run to what every side you need to and gosip somemore. im done its over. this is the last i will ever post about you sick fuckers.