(no subject)

Jan 18, 2004 23:02

I keep trying to fill out the pairings meme that's going around, but it just ain't happening, despite the fact that I feel like I'm inclined to ship a lot of people together.

Anyway, I was looking through some old files from last September or so and discovered an incarnation of ASRWLL that I actually sort of like. Nothing is going to come of these two little snippets of fics, so I thought I'd just post them here:


In the back of the classroom, on a scrap of parchment, Rodolphus Lestrange scrawled out arithmantic proof that Damian Wilkes and that jumped up Gryffindor Mudblood, Lily Evans, were going to fall madly in love and spawn a whole herd of despicable half-blood babies.

''Your dad’s going to fucking kill you,'' Rodolphus sniggered, sliding the parchment to Damian.

Damian looked at it, swore, and began to furiously scribble out a response.

As the parchment exchanged hands once again from Damian back to Rodolphus, Abscissa Vector paused in her lecture to say, ''Accio Parchment!'' The scrap fluttered over the heads of the students and Vector deposited it into a desk drawer for later perusal, resuming her well-rehearsed lecture as if nothing had happened.

It was not until dinner that she acknowledged the incident. Passing by the Slytherins on her way to the high table, she stopped to assign Rodolphus a detention, to be served in her classroom the following evening.


Five pairs of eyes were transfixed on Bellatrix as she brought the knife down swiftly, bisecting the rat's belly as it squirmed in her grasp, squeaking wildly. She smiled thinly as blood stained her fingers, a crimson rivulet running down between the tendons on the back of her hand.

''What are you looking for today?'' Damian Wilkes asked her from where he sat atop a long, rough-hewn table.

''One doesn't look, one merely reads the signs,'' Bellatrix replied with annoyance. ''However, I shall not be displeased if it is shown that your death is imminent.''

The rat's squeals faded as it struggled and then succumbed to death, and Bellatrix examined its entrails soberly, with an academic sort of interest, despite the fact that she was definitely not doing homework.

The Hogwarts dungeons were seemingly endless and not very thoroughly explored by most students. The Bloody Baron came upon this band of Slytherins down there occasionally, but he merely passed through another wall and away from them without a word. Bellatrix's extracurricular divination wasn't particularly harmful, and it kept the castle's vermin population in check. Besides, the lot of them didn't really engage in anything more dangerous or deviant, despite the fact that they were the sorts of students who didn't gaze longingly at the restricted section's shelves because their families’ libraries at home already contained volumes of equal or greater disrepute.
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