*Takes in a deep breath.*

Apr 24, 2004 06:33

You demand update do you? Too damn bad; I refuse. Okay, you win.

- Work has been driving me nuts, but it's alright. If I want that bonus I really need to pick up my shit. I have a week to sell about 9 phones. This guy "Kevin" at Fairlaine Mall sold 7 alone today... Any he wasn't even done. Fuck him... I'm winning in the list race department not him. He has to be playing "catch-up" or something. *Prays he is.*

- Deana... I've been spending quality time with this girl and I must say... It's been beautiful. She's a unique little weirdo. *Laughs.* I'm looking forward to tonight dear. *Winks.*

- I went and saw The Punisher wit hher tonight... I must say that that is one amazing film. Another good comic book to movie done well. Two thumbs up. *Does so.*

- I think tonight I'll rent Kill Bill: Volume 1 and make Deana watch it while she is over. Thus, when I drag her to see Volume 2, she'll know what's going on.

- I really want to revamp my LJ setup and even my AOL/AIM appearence. I want a Stewie theme from The Family Guy, but I can't find shit on the topic.

- I can't sleep... I've been tossing and turning all night/morning and it's annoying. Every half-hour I wake up and it sucks. Stupid eyelids.

- I listed a whole bunch of shit on eBay again and it should take off anytime tomorrow with bids. Come on money...! *Cackles madly.*

- I'll be getting paid on the 1st and on that day I will be cashing my check at my new bank account at my new credit union and then most likely going over to my new apartment that I've attained (With De mind you) and setting down my deposit. Go me and life! *Claps.*

That is all for now. Go. Rejoice and be merry.

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