Hello 2009

Jan 03, 2009 15:20

I don't really like making New Year's resolutions.  I'm a creature of habit and saying that I'm going to change my ways is probably not true.  But that doesn't mean I can't have goals.  So here are my goals for the next year.

-Get promoted in my job.  I got hired at the lowest level possible but my boss said he thought that they could probably promote me after a year.  That would be awesome.  Don't get me wrong, I already make more money here than I did at my last job and I'm very happy about that.  But I know I'm just as good as the people making more money which makes me think I deserve better. :)

-Save money and vacation time.  Plan for some kind of travel.  Even if it doesn't happen this year, it could happen next year.  Oh, right, and this time I really, really need to get a passport.

-Pay off some student loans.

-Keep in touch with all of my friends and get out more.  I realized that even though I know a lot of people in DC and I consider them to be friends, I don't really know a lot of them very well and I don't see them often.  I should change that.

-Move to an apartment that doesn't have mice.  hm. yeah.  My lease is up at the end of July and I think this year I'll finally move out of my lovely Silver Spring apt.  I'm hoping for something better now that I can afford it.

-Learn how to do new things.  I went ice skating and bowling for the first time in a million years yesterday.  I was getting really frustrated with both because I didn't know what I was doing.  This made me realize that it has been too long since I've really tried to learn a new skill.  Learning about new things and trying new things is very humbling and good for me.

And of course, I always think that I'll lose 10 pounds although I've probably gained that much or more the past few months.  So of course I'll just throw in here that I should go to the gym more.

Here's hoping for good times in '09.
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