Dec 19, 2004 12:19
prolly did this before but umm yeah im doing it again..
-First Name: Malea
-Middle Name: Rae
-Last Name: Freeman
-Birthday: July 17
-brother(s)/sister(s): 2 sisters
-Kissed a person of the opposite sex: yea
-have boyfriend/girlfriend: no
-ever gotten paid to do something stupid: yeahh
-ever liked one of your closest friends: yupp
-ever told someone how you feel about them: yea
-gotten drunk: nope
-gotten high:no
-smoked anything:no
-snuck out of the house: haha at Amanda's house with katie and sami!!
-gotten a compliment on your ass: umm..?
-ever been called a freak: ny my sisters and my retarded friends
-ever been called gay: no
-like to dance: sure
-like to "sandwich dance": hehe
-want boyfriend/girlfriend: yupp
-want some sort of exotic pet: yes a ...*MONKEY*
-play any sports: soccer *MLU*
-like to draw/paint: im super bad at it
-write poetry: nope
-ran into a parked car: haven't we all?
-animal: monkey!!
-drink: Pepsi
-song: lots
-movie: lost..specially Pirates of the Carribean
-broadway play: none
-food: pretty much anything you put in front of me i'll eat and like!!
-candy: peach rings
-chips: anything
-sport: soccer
-cologne:axe effect
-perfume:Love Spell
-holiday:Christmas [ [ 6 days! ] ] and Thanksgiving
-day of the week: saturday
-fruit: strawberrys
-pie: none! grossss
Italy or France: France
Football or Basketball: football
hot or cold:hot
peaches or strawberries:Stawberries
spring or fall:spring
summer or winter:summer
jazz or R&B:R&B
102.1 or 96.5:102.1
wal-mart or k-mart:wal*Mart
cheerleading or gymnastics: neither
ice skating or rollerskating: lol ice skating at Paiges partyy
green or blue: green
purple or pink: purple
dumper or dumpee: neither
single or taken: depends
"special somone" or FWB: both
poems or paintings: neither
this or that:that
night or day:night
-most embarrassing moment: sooo many!!!
-worst thing you ever did: dump someone i loved with my whole heart
-most annoying thing: a lott
-type of person(s) you hate the most: people who think they know everything
-thing that drives you insane: ummm
-favorite subject: health ;)
-shortest relationship you/someone else had: lik 2 mins in 5th i think grade
-least favorite subject: I.P.S.
-favorite color: green
-least favorite color: pink
-favorite actor/actress: lots
friendliest: all of them!!
funniest: Carolina, Sami, and Emily
most annoying: haha Erin in I.P.S!!
hate the most: none of themm!!
trusting: umm katie
closest: sami, katie, emily, dev, erin, paige, amanda, and lottsss more
popularest: umm..
prettiest: all of my friends are sexii!!!
most stupid: sami of
wierdest: all of them!!