Naruto Fic: Diplomatic Relations, Part Eleven

Nov 19, 2005 16:32

The next DR. Enjoy ^_^

Oooh, and before I forget, Archeeka did some fanart for this fic ^____^ I't s NC17 rated, please note. Also, (as you can guess from the rating), it's jumping ahead in the story a bit, though you don't need to be psychic to know that this is where they'll end up sooner or later. I did go and put it in the summary, after all. ( Read more... )

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Comments 47

qem_chibati November 20 2005, 00:00:44 UTC

Another awesome chapter. You can see how Lee being around the place for a long time has made him more comfortable around - I thinkyou had a good build up for that, playing it out well.

I can't wait till next chapter especially after that tantalising hint you gave in responce to my last review. ^_^;;

I think you've done an awesome job with this story~


maldoror_gw November 25 2005, 13:20:22 UTC
*evil laughter* Ahhh, yes, next chapter. That one's the interesting one...^__^

Thanks! Glad you like the story! I think anyone who knows Lee for any length of time will come to admire him a bit, even if they wince each time they see spandex or a pose XD


sonnie_skies November 20 2005, 00:08:39 UTC
orochimaru. bah. i would accuse him of being a closet pedophile, but then i realized that in order to be one he'd have to at least make some half-hearted attempt to cover up the fact he's obsessed with boys under the age of 18 ...yeah, that he's obsessed with boys under the age of 18.

i'm glad lee's finally getting some more recognition (not "oh shit, it's the guy in the leg warmers again!" kind, either).

you wield a clue-bat like no other. and just to let you know, i'm fine with you making this twenty two chapters or longer...


maldoror_gw November 25 2005, 13:18:43 UTC
Lee's about as hard to hate as a puppy, but I imagine that the people from Suna would also grow to admire him and trust him after a year; he is bloody strong after all, and he's the only person in the village who has the guts to tell Gaara when and where to get off when Gaara is cranky ^_^

I think the main thing Oro is obsessed with is power. If it comes in a pretty package...well, who is he to fight fate. Yeah. No wonder poor Lee is worried...


darksideofstorm November 20 2005, 01:09:23 UTC
*attempts to kick function into brain*

*fails utterly*

Wow, totally wow. First, how you have Lee finally realizing that Gaara is his important person was very well done, with his usual 'these are the facts, how do I deal with them' attitude and no real denial once he realises the extent of his feelings (I love how the life or death situations bring that out in your characters ^_^)

This sentence:

Gaara was lying in mid-air, crucified by the light; he was stripped to the waist, arms hanging at his side, head tilted back exposing his throat.

killed me. Just the sheer impact of that image, Gaara completely, totally vulnerable *wibbles*

Oh, and total yay for a Kakashi and Gai moment (whether intentional or not ^_^), I love how they interact with each other and the comparisons you can draw between them, Gaara and Lee *grins*

*sheepish grin* sorry for the fangirly rant, your story is wonderful and I'm so glad you're planning on extending it *loves on you*


maldoror_gw November 23 2005, 13:29:10 UTC
Thanks ^_^ I've worked with a lot of emotionally repressed characters in other fics - hell, I've worked almost exclusively with them - but Lee is different. He might not see the truth right away, but once he does, he'll accept it.

Glad you liked the Kakashi-Gai moment; I see them as friends in this fic, but only out of the technicality of them not having fallen into bed for whatever reason.

Gah, gotta go. Thanks for the review ^_^


jade_dragoness November 20 2005, 01:12:27 UTC
Gai-Sensei! *squeals in fangirl glee*

*grins at you* Well, I guess that answers my question from my previous comment.

This: "He's not my student any more," Gai said softly, eyes shining with pride. "He's a ninja who has now matched my skills in Renge, for good and noble reasons. He is a Shinobi who has my utmost respect."
Melted me. Again. *happy sigh* Ooh, I have so much love for the way you word things. *beams*

*dies laughing* Having the Sand nins lying to the Leaf and the way Lee describes it 'embroidering' kills me with teh Funny. I gave me the extremely odd imagery of Captain Sanada leading a team of nins in stitching little Sand sigils all over their clothers. *covers her eyes* My brain scares me....a lot.

*bounces* And how much to I love how Lee is getting recognition for his mad skillz? *bounces higher* I want to point and laugh at Orochimaru and say 'Ha! That's the kind of beat down you get for messing with Lee's man!'

And this:He realized he was practicing saying it in his head: 'Gaara. The man I love. The man I love ( ... )


maldoror_gw November 23 2005, 13:25:59 UTC
imagery of Captain Sanada leading a team of nins in stitching little Sand sigils all over their clothers.

Strangely enough, I got the same image too on the 12th reread. My brain scares me all the time...

Yeah, I wanted Lee to get some recognition. The manga builds him up, but he's always second fiddle. You the man, Lee!! And besides, if Kakashi could respect Gai for his power and only tease him for his weirdness, I'm sure most Shinobi - including those in Suna - would do the same for Lee.

Marry you? Sure! We'll leave in this bigamous foursome with Asuka and this other guy I keep around ^_~


anonymous November 20 2005, 02:18:11 UTC
22 chapters?? You are a wonderful, wonderful person. ^_^ LOL, DR is what's going to keep me sane until the anime stops spouting crap!!

'Gaara. The man I love. The man I love.'

I'm sure glad my roommates are out, because I started hyperventilating as soon as I saw "love". Finally! Good boy, Lee. Now it's Gaara's turn! Ohhh, I can't wait to see this. Thanks for writing!



dreamwarrior7z November 22 2005, 02:06:35 UTC
**is Leviathan's roomie #1**


I have no coherent reply to this chapter, so I'm just hopping onto my roomie's reply. Please make this as long as possible, and bring on teh lovin'!

Lee + badass skillz = Melting of me. Holehcrap. **squee!!!**

God, I worship you! **bows to teh Mal**


maldoror_gw November 25 2005, 13:25:45 UTC
Lol, thanks ^_^ Just yesterday, another chapter (a necessary one actually) insidiously snuck into the narrative I had scribbled down. So this may be 23 chapters, unless I miscounted (that might have happened). Either way, this puppy is here to stay for awhile *headdesk*

Let's hear it for Lee and his mad skillz! Too many fanfic authors treat him like a bumbling, clumsy idiot. Respect teh Lee!


maldoror_gw November 23 2005, 13:21:37 UTC
DR is what's going to keep me sane until the anime stops spouting crap!!

I hear you...Writing it keeps me going despite one laughable filler after another.

Lee's had his final appointment with the clue-bat. Fortunately, he's not as stubborn as some of my other characters *coughWufeicough*, so when he figures out he's in love, he'll actually, like, admit it. Now Gaara's turn...Thanks for reading ^_^


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