Yesterday I effectively nutted out the final semester for my Bachelor of Environmental Science. I'll be graduating in 6 months time and I'm pretty damn excited about that prospect.
My final semester could possibly include
- Vegetation and Wildlife Ecology
- Resource Science Project in Applied Ecology
- Foundations of Education
- Curriculum Studies
That is the maximum load i'll require to graduate, it could potentially be that I only need to do 3 subjects.
In other news I got quite upset last night when I told Alisa about my Grandpa's death and the surrounding circumstances. I hadn't thought about it for ages but she just let me talk and cry and snuffle boogers all over the place. I miss my Grandpa, there are so many things I'd like to talk to him about that I feel I've only reached the maturity level to broach with him since he passed away. I remember getting upset at the church when I had to do the first reading and pretty much breaking down when I looked up to see how many people turned up to send him off. I can kinda giggle about it now but both my dad and pat broke after seeing me break down then. I had both of them telling me that I was a fucker (maybe not those words) for opening the flood gates. I'm glad dad got upset though, I'd have hate to have gone through the whole grieving process seeing my dad walled up.