Dec 28, 2009 01:53
I own so many fucking t-shirts it's not funny.
I cleaned out my room in it's entirety tonight and I'm only putting stuff back into my room that I need. I thought it might have been a good opportunity to sort out a load of clothes that I could take to vinnies or the salvos tomorrow. I think my t-shirt count is up to 34. That's bad isnt it?
I'm up late tonight because after tackling my room, and leaving my hallway a mess I've had to do a shit tonne of washing before I allow the clothes back into my room. During the process of washing I've also realised that I get very annoyed with having mixed types of coat hangers. I like them to be the same, and also facing the same way on the rack, with whatever is hanging on them to be facing to the left...point being I'll be buying coat hangers tomorrow.
In stark contrast to my t-shirt count, I have an abysmal amount of shorts, I think only 2 pairs that i'd wear out, and even those are getting threadbare. I find it hard to buy 'dress' shorts, there are very few that I like. While i'm buying coat hangers I'm gunna look for shorts.
In more important news:
I get to see my gal tomorrow, I'm very much looking forward to that. She's been away up north with her fam for chrissy so it's been 5 or 6 days since i've seen her. I can't wait to hold, smell, and kiss her. She's just beautful. She makes me so freakin happy, I honestly don't know how she does it. I am definately smitten.
And on that thought I'm going to go crawl into bed.
good night all
being a nerdlingor