Dec 10, 2009 23:53
Huzzah! I quit my shitty job today. It feels good not to feel any loyalty to that store anymore.
I was going to post what I wrote in the book but I feel it's unnecessary - it just said that they forced me to look for work and so my new job takes priority. It's up to them if they want to leave me on the books because I may be available for ring in work over the christmas break but if not then i'll return my uniform next monday.
I worked 13 hours today, that's a fair amount of time to be on your feet flicking tomatoes onto a sandwich. I was doing fine up until 830pm. I then hit a wall. Hard. Fuck I just remembered I didnt write my hours in the timesheet book. I'll have to go in there at some point tomorrow to do that. bugger.
I'm fucking exhausted so I'm off to bed. I've got a whole crazy next few days ahead. Working every day and parties every night. Gunna be HUGE.