I have the internet at my house - apparently my housemate bought some kind of super thinking modem that allows you to just plug the network cable into anything with a reciever and you can go to town... on the net.
I had G over today - what can you do for a quivering, sobbing, distraught korean girl? All i could think of was to make her as comfortable as possible, so I made her some dinner, (go me for attempting to make masamam beef curry - failing - then ordering some from the local thai restaurant), gave her a glass of red, some chocolate and some tissues. We ended up watching the full monty to which i'm sure she paid little attention. She did leave with dry eyes and a quiet "thanks for everything Joe" - I figure i did alright.
My bank account went from a healthy 2k to just over 500 bucks today. stupid bond and 4 weeks rent...
Edit: Walking into my room just now i've realised that there is a huge space above my bedhead that needs decorating. I'll get a photo up of it and then i'm up for suggestions