
Jan 11, 2009 19:06

I have not had a very productive weekend. generally i've just been slobbing around the house watching tv and playing eq2; did manage to get out to 'nam yesterday for a haircut and shopping but that was about it.

of course, smallChild has been as annoying as ever, so i'm not exactly as relaxed as I probably should be followi a weekendf nothingness!

Still, stuff has happened: it looks like i'm leaving orange and having the iPhone as my primary phone; the Tax Man has decided that I don't need to do a return any more and the house purchase is progressing nicely (apart from the seller being a bit of an aggrivating turd over the whole process). looking lke completion wil be the third week of Feb.

now, back to the task in hand: my PC isn't grunty enough to be able to edit HD video, so i'm deciding if aquiring a quad-core processor for the existing rig (circa
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