From Twitter 05-08-2011

May 09, 2011 03:02

  • 05:46:09: My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Public Enemy (20), Transglobal Underground (19) & The Shanghai Restoration Project (15)
  • 10:00:58: Lion's Gate males really shitty trailers for their internationally sourced material. Boo.
  • 10:03:29: Still drunk from last night. Way too sober for this movie.
  • 10:23:42: "There isn't enough time to control your power the natural way. So we'll have to do it the evil way."
  • 10:41:18: Apparently the evil approach to martial arts training primarily consists of bathing in evil springs.
  • 10:57:49: @ chemotaxis Evil springs were repeatedly incorporated into a general training montage. Good enough?
  • 10:58:21: Everything's coming up ninja!
  • 11:16:40: I love universes in which advanced martial arts techniques are basically Marvel comics-style telekinesis.
  • 20:55:09: RT @billmaher: Republicans now backing off repealing healthcare! Healthcare, killing bin Laden - all part of Obama's diabolical agenda t ...
  • 21:42:20: Wow, THE STORM WARRIORS totally fails the Bechdel test.
  • 21:45:53: Dude just cut his evil eye... And it's LEAKING ALL THE EVIL OUT.
  • 21:49:46: Watching STORM WARRIORS is really whetting my appetite for Tsui Hark to make a third ZU movie.
  • 21:50:16: I think the technology has finally caught up with his ability to make pretty visuals and no God Damn sense.

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