"Ear, ear for the sea-surge, murmur of old men's voices:"

Apr 07, 2010 21:58

Let her go back to the ships,
Back among Grecian faces, lest evil come on our own,
Evil and further evil, and a curse cursed on our children,
Moves, yes she moves like a goddess
And has the face of a god
     and the voice of Schoeney's daughters
And doom goes with her in walking,
Let her go back to the ships,
     back among Grecian voices.

from Canto II, by Ezra Pound, translating liberally from The Illiad

Note 1: "And doom goes with her in walking" is possibly my new favorite phrase in the English language.

Note 2: RAW on Helen of Troy and Eleanor of Aquitaine, in response to this section and the phrase immediately preceding: "Both women credited with fantastic beauty and blamed for wars somebody else started." I LOL'd.

the cantos, eleanor of aquitaine, ezra pound, books, poetry, reading, helen of troy

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