These journals are WONDERFUL and I wish we'd had them sooner! They're keeping me entertained -- not that spending time picking out dress robes with Ellie is dull, she knows simply EVERYTHING about fashion, though, of course, since we are related it goes without saying that she looks wonderful in everything, so it's not that she NEEDS the extra help except it would be easier if Daddy didn't fuss so about the expense, she could just buy all the robes in the shop and not BORE ME TO DEATH about her newest fiancé while she makes me carry boxes -- and providing entertainment in more ways than one. I haven't the FAINTEST CLUE what these have to do with Muggle Studies but I shall never complain about that class again.
I think I'll go to the tea shop in St Mungo's this afternoon so I can see Kitty. She's a Healer, so I am sure she can take time off to see me as a MEDICAL CURIOSITY (and, since I am her favourite brother she can also buy me lunch -- she's so generous that way!). Thanks to my
favourite Nicholas Daisypetals, I have a black eye and it is SPLENDID. I may even keep it for a few days just as a reminder! I haven't had that much fun in AGES.
Someone will have to explain why they wanted to hit Daisy in the first place one of these days, but I expect it doesn't REALLY matter and I don't know that I care anyway! I'm sure he is properly REMORSEFUL by now I hope it hurts him to breathe too because I am GOOD AT MY JOB.