Okay, guys...I don't know too much about guitars--even less about electric guitars and all their funky effects...so I need some help. There's some sound I've heard here and there in the past that sounds like a typical electric guitar, only as if it were miced further away...is this some sort of special effect that one can find on a pedal or something? How is this sound achieved? I want to know for one of my compositions. I can't find a description of this through an online search, nor any mp3s or anything--not even on YouTube. The only example I can remember for sure is a single guitar note played in part of the mood music for Zork: Grand Inquisitor in the underground area...though I can't find an mp3 of this music, either.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: I THINK I've figured it out...I believe it's some sort of modulate effect, such as is demonstrated here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhpbxVkGKUw About 3:20. Ignore the guy's hair.