Jul 08, 2008 22:43
If I seem at all distant or harsh, it's because I've been going through a lot of changes lately. This whole past year has been full of changes for me, and it seems that they just keep mounting as time goes on. I feel some sort of catharsis approaching--which will likely be whenever I finally move--but until then, I've got a lot of different aspects of my life that have been weighing heavily on my mind and soul as of late.
So if I'm not IMing you as much as I used to or come across as more blunt or agressive, don't take it personally. As a caveat to that, however, if you are afraid that my current IMing habits towards you ARE something personal and specific to the changes I'm currently going through, feel free to contact me to ask me about that very issue. I'm having to do a lot of serious talks with folks lately, many of which aren't the most pleasant, but this is what happens in life sometimes, unfortunately.
Also, a subsequent result of these changes has been my getting burnt out much more quickly on RPing online and whatnot, so don't be surprised if you find I'm not in the mood to RP as readily as I once was.
As an additional result of all this, I'm finding it hard to get back into the groove of eating right and exercising daily since I've returned from AC, which I seriously need to work on...as well as getting a job, which I AM working on.