Apr 28, 2008 00:27
OK so i managed to get my hands on Ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron. Seems pretty decent, shipped with FF 3b5, and all that jazz.
I fucked up the upgrade by keeping the old menu.lst. My nvidia graphics card started having issues, i dug out some articles via google to help me out but no one seemed to really get an answer to it. Out of desperation i tried the beta version of nvidia's proprietary drivers, and thats what caught my fancy. When i tried installing them, it returned an error that the installed kernel was compiled using gcc 4.1 where as current one is 4.2. That somehow prompted me that the installer was looking at menu.lst where the label/UID of the OS/kernel was still the old one, so i just deleted the menu.lst generated a fresh menu.lst using upgrade-grub. Voila, on the restart the nvidia driver got installed but still it didn't quite work. So i uninstalled it and then tried the stable version (from the repos) and it worked like magic, i am back to 1280x960 and it feels awesome! The 3D effects are turned full on too! Too bad it took me hours to figure out the solution, but atleast i did it myself YAY!
Update: OK, i did get full on graphics but only just. After rebooting, the system once again started running on lower graphics. So apparently i have to wait until people create enough noise for nvidia to take notice of it!
Update 2: So here's the final (temporary) solution to the nvidia driver issues in Hardy Heron:
- Remove envy if you are using it for nvidia drivers, just remember to uninstall the drivers that were installed using envy.
- Do $ "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-16-generic linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic" (without the quotes) to remove restricted drivers and modules, then reinstall the linux-image package.
- Download the nvidia beta driver for your card and run it in the terminal.
- Start gdm and then do "sudo nvidia-settings", give your resolution and save to xorg file. Restart your X and voila, you are done!
Update 3: Removal of restricted drivers meant the sound of fucked up. So i removed gstreamer and with it the entire ubuntu-desktop was removed. I reinstalled gstreamer, and did the same with alsa. Additionally linux-ubuntu-modules was required for sound to work. So on the next boot sound was restored but i wasn't able to log into my account. After a few minutes i realized that since there's no ubuntu-desktop, it can't log into anything, so i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop and so for now everything is running perfectly.
To make nvidia beta driver work on the reboot just edit the DISABLED_MODULES line to make it look like this:-
DISABLED_MODULES="nv nv_new" in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common.
Mahn troubleshooting the system is good for kicks!
graphics card,
hardy heron,