Feb 19, 2004 03:52
Okay so yeah 2-day in my lab class we were doing vein-punctures and of course EVERYBODY WAnts 2 stick me ,because i have the most greatest and fatest veins in my class .So anyhoot so this girl in my lab name Step she was the person 2 have stuck me HAHAHA okay so she is getting her site 2-gether and i am just sitting there having people come over to me and talk to me b\c i fucking hate the site of the needle goin into my skin it's not the whole blood thing it's just well it's MIND OVER MATTER if you think 2 your self it's goin to hurt then it will if u dont think about it and look away it wont... so that's what i had done looked the fuck away!!! So she is getting the needle ready and such and i am looking over 2 my friends joy and shannon who are there talking to me thought the whole fucking thing so... she sticks me i can feel but it doesnt hurt at all really it doesnt if u look away.. so about i say about 40 second into the vein-puncture i hear my teacher say" YOU went through the entire vein" but wasnt paying any fucking attend 2 what she said b\c i didnt want to freak out and also make her freak out and hurt me even worse. Well she didnt hurt me BULL FUCKING SHIT !! she just sent a hell ALOT of blood all over the place and all over the armrest and but what i knew had she done that was b\c when i was looking at my friends they had the most freaked out look on there faces i have ever seen in my life time so i looked 2 the needle in my arm the fucking hub that plastic piece that the needle goes on and to get the blood sample yeah the fucking HUb was touching my arm and the needle was so deep in my arm you couldnt even see the needle just the HUB and i was was like *OUCH* and just the other day i had shannon the girl that was talking to me day though this YEAH she stuck me and what... she made blood come out all over the place but not as bad as step did LORD!! Why is it when i stick i dont get them, and when their stick me my arm is just spitting out blood.. like really people actually want me 2 stick them and get their blood so i am so good i know that sounds funny GUddy sticking some1 but i do a pretty damn good job at it 2. So yeah i am just sitting here with 2 buised arms and their fucking hurt like shit right now i can bearly even move my left arm(wendesday) and my right arm(tuesday) has this deep dot in it and this big'ol buise.
So yeah if u ever need blood drawing come 2 me LOLOLO hey i almost have my masters in phlebotomy so yeah i know what the fuck i am doing ;-)
LOve you all so much u guys keep me going!!